


Title:  Studies on Cyber-Physical Systems (and IoT): an Emerging Academic Discipline

Cyber-Physical Systems have been a critical driving force for economic development during the 21th century. The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to become a global networking infrastructure for cyber-physical systems. An organized effort to define CPS research and development and to establish a funding program commenced in thirteen years ago. The first call-for-proposal of this new research program was announced by US NSF Division of Computer and Network Systems in Fall 2006 (NSF 07-504). The effort was quickly recognized by the U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). In PCAST’s 2007 report, CPS was given a top priority for substantial research investment. In 2008, the NSF elevated its support for CPS research by launching a fully-fledged research program (NSF 08-611), which has now become a core NSF program jointly sponsored by multiple agencies. . Many other countries and organizations have since initiated similar efforts, triggering a large-scale, globally-organized effort to pursue CPS research, education, and development. 

Through various activities (e.g., Annual US NSF CPS PI Meetings and this CPS Week of Conferences, etc), it is obvious that a community of CPS research and development is being formed and much progress in CPS R/D has been made. Studies on CPS is becoming an academic discipline which is critical for not only industrial technologies but also new generation of workforce. 




      在高等教育与科研管理的广泛领域内,赵伟教授有着丰富的经历。在众多中国留美的学者中,赵伟是在美国联邦政府和高校担任最高职位者之一。在港澳地区,他是第一位经全球招聘成为大学校长的内地华人。在担任德克萨斯A&M大学计算机科学系系主任期间(1997-2001),该系的科研经费翻了两番,该系本科教育在全美排名中跃升为十七名。在美国国家科学基金会任职期间(2005-2007),他主导启动了物理计算融合系统(Cyber-Physical Systems)的新科研领域,其领导的电脑与网路系统分部按期完成率提高了24%,项目经费和课题申请分别增了20%和14%。在他任澳门大学校长期间,澳门大学两次受到国家主席(胡锦涛和习近平)的视察,建成了一个比老校区大20倍新校区,世界排名从两千名跃升为三百七十名。2011年,赵伟被中国科技部任命为国家物联网973项目首席科学家。

      为表彰赵伟在科学和教育的杰出成就, 中国旅美科技协会授予他“终身成就奖”, 中国计算机科学学会授予他“海外杰出贡献奖”,全球十二所大学授予他荣誉博士头衔,欧亚科学院授予他院士头衔。


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